Alloy, is still a big part of our industry

Currently we are making metal frameworks two ways. What is called analog which is the traditional technology that is all hands on. The other is digital which can take you to a multitude of directions as to how you get to the finished metal framework.  It's a very remarkable process and has become a great way to go with on most all cases. Almost all alloys are made up of a variety of precious metals and that market fluctuates daily. With this, some days metals like Palladium may cost more than gold. We are monitoring these costs and if we see prices getting out of hand, we will suggest other options. Regardless of the process, we will always see fluctuation in the cost of our alloys.

Multilink Hybird Abutment Cement

This is terrific stuff for cementing metal free materials to implant abutments. It is a self-curing composite and it comes in two shades, HO 0 and MO 0.

MO is almost always used on Zirconia and HO is used for Emax and PMMA.


The results with Multilink are a permanent cement with high strength value and optimum esthetics due to two available opacity levels. We encourage you to keep these cements in your office for any case that you find the shade of your restoration is compromised due to underlying structure.


We now have set up in our system a way for you to get email notification with cases being shipped to you.

The key to this being impactful information to you is that the information is going to the correct Email for you to get the note. Please call and make sure we have the email that you want the information going to so it does become valuable, productive information for you. The patients name will be under customer reference in the email. You can verify your correct email with either Katie or Jessica.


Thank you for a working with us and kicking this year up with such an amazing start. You are always appreciated and never taken for granted. Thanks for making us a member of your team.